Writing Hour Roundup: 14 June 2022

Shutterstock / 13_Phunkod © person using social media

“The People’s Friend” Writing Hour is held every Tuesday at 11 a.m. on Twitter and it’s always a brilliant time! It’s a time when we can get together with writers for a chat.

Every week we summarise everything that went on for those who missed out.

This week we’re talking plot holes, Desert Island books and reading habits.

How has your week been? What’s made you smile?

Wild orchids, garden centre trips, starlings . . . could it be that summer is finally around the corner?

And this sounds like a story prompt if ever we saw one:

Have you ever completed a story and then noticed a huge plot hole?

Plot holes can be pesky and, as many of you mentioned, are particularly prone to popping up in a mystery.

Angie Keeler’s advice is sound!

Do you prefer writing poetry or reading it?

Most of you prefer to read poetry than write it, but a fair few of you do like to write your own, too.

Are you a fan of writing flash fiction? Do you think you need a certain discipline?

Flash fiction is a very short piece of prose, usually of around a few hundred words.

A few of you pointed out that it requires a similar skillset to writing poetry. Every word must be chosen carefully.

Louise McIvor had a great tip for those up to the challenge!

What would your Desert Island book be?

It’s so tough to pick just one, isn’t it?

We think Amanda Giles has found a way around it:

How have your reading habits changed over the years?

Our reading habits grow with us over the years, and they’re affected by our lives and routines. It was so interesting to read how our writers’ current habits differ from when they were younger.

I asked Fiction Ed Lucy and Tracey from the Fiction team how their habits have changed, too.

Lucy said, “Well I’d say that when the children were wee, I did very little reading – there just wasn’t time. I read a lot with the kids for years, so lots of library visits and children’s books, which we really enjoyed. It’s quite a special time, reading time. Now they’re all ‘up’, it’s a pleasure to have more time to read.

I’d say as well that there used to be so many more magazines and I did read more mags in the past, compared to now.

I think as well that there’s a more diverse range of novels available now.”

Tracey said, “Oh, definitely. I used to mostly read crime, but I find it all very formulaic now. I prefer historical fiction these days.”

Personally, my favourite genres ebb and flow.

A few years ago, I read mostly fantasy and magical realism, whereas now it’s mainly historical, mystery and literary. No doubt I’ll be back to fantasy in another few years!

I also used to borrow books from the library more. Then I got into a bad habit of buying books before I’d finished the books I already owned, and now I’m on a strict self-imposed book buying/borrowing ban until I’ve read all the books on my “to be read” shelves.

One thing hasn’t changed though – my favourite place to read has always been in bed!

We’ll see you at our next Writing Hour on Twitter — 11 a.m. on Tuesday 21 June, 2022.

Or click here to see our previous roundups.

Abigail Phillips

Abbie is the newest member of the fiction team at the "Friend." She loves how varied the role is - every day is different and there is always a new story to read. She is keen to work closely with established writers and discover new writers, too.

Writing Hour Roundup: 14 June 2022

Shutterstock / 13_Phunkod © person using social media

“The People’s Friend” Writing Hour is held every Tuesday at 11 a.m. on Twitter and it’s always a brilliant time! It’s a time when we can get together with writers for a chat.

Every week we summarise everything that went on for those who missed out.

This week we’re talking plot holes, Desert Island books and reading habits.

How has your week been? What’s made you smile?

Wild orchids, garden centre trips, starlings . . . could it be that summer is finally around the corner?

And this sounds like a story prompt if ever we saw one:

Have you ever completed a story and then noticed a huge plot hole?

Plot holes can be pesky and, as many of you mentioned, are particularly prone to popping up in a mystery.

Angie Keeler’s advice is sound!

Do you prefer writing poetry or reading it?

Most of you prefer to read poetry than write it, but a fair few of you do like to write your own, too.

Are you a fan of writing flash fiction? Do you think you need a certain discipline?

Flash fiction is a very short piece of prose, usually of around a few hundred words.

A few of you pointed out that it requires a similar skillset to writing poetry. Every word must be chosen carefully.

Louise McIvor had a great tip for those up to the challenge!

What would your Desert Island book be?

It’s so tough to pick just one, isn’t it?

We think Amanda Giles has found a way around it:

How have your reading habits changed over the years?

Our reading habits grow with us over the years, and they’re affected by our lives and routines. It was so interesting to read how our writers’ current habits differ from when they were younger.

I asked Fiction Ed Lucy and Tracey from the Fiction team how their habits have changed, too.

Lucy said, “Well I’d say that when the children were wee, I did very little reading – there just wasn’t time. I read a lot with the kids for years, so lots of library visits and children’s books, which we really enjoyed. It’s quite a special time, reading time. Now they’re all ‘up’, it’s a pleasure to have more time to read.

I’d say as well that there used to be so many more magazines and I did read more mags in the past, compared to now.

I think as well that there’s a more diverse range of novels available now.”

Tracey said, “Oh, definitely. I used to mostly read crime, but I find it all very formulaic now. I prefer historical fiction these days.”

Personally, my favourite genres ebb and flow.

A few years ago, I read mostly fantasy and magical realism, whereas now it’s mainly historical, mystery and literary. No doubt I’ll be back to fantasy in another few years!

I also used to borrow books from the library more. Then I got into a bad habit of buying books before I’d finished the books I already owned, and now I’m on a strict self-imposed book buying/borrowing ban until I’ve read all the books on my “to be read” shelves.

One thing hasn’t changed though – my favourite place to read has always been in bed!

We’ll see you at our next Writing Hour on Twitter — 11 a.m. on Tuesday 21 June, 2022.

Or click here to see our previous roundups.


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