Welcome to another Writing Hour Roundup!
It’s always fun to get together every week on Twitter to find out what’s on everybody’s minds.
This week you asked. . .
Are you looking for stories set before the Victorian Era?
Yes! We’d love to read submissions set before the Victorian Era.
In the weekly, we’re unlikely to publish anything set prior to the Tudor era.
However, we’ve gone back as far as the Vikings in the Specials!
Are you logging all the USMs on your system?
We can’t get into the office, so at the moment, no.
Do any members of the fiction team write fiction or poetry themselves?
Yes, a few of us like to write in our spare time.
At least one member of the team has been published under a pen name!
Are you all doing OK? Are you making plans for when you can get together again?
We’re desperate for things to get back to normal and we have already planned about 100 nights out!
Cocktails will feature!
Who are the team’s favourite novelists?
Oh my goodness! There are too many to choose from!
The whole team are always reading . . . in fact, we just posted about what we’re reading and watching on TV right now!
If you have a question for the Fiction Team, why not join us for our next Writing Hour on Twitter — 11 a.m. on Tuesday 2 March, 2021.
Or click here to find out if we’ve answered your question previously.
You might also find Fiction Ed Lucy’s latest update useful.
See you back here next week for another roundup!