Welcome back to another Writing Hour Roundup.
This week we asked you whether you ever feel lonely while writing.
It can be a very isolating career so we hope that, by providing an opportunity to get together on a Tuesday for a chat, we can help.
It’s always good to see old and new “faces” every week, even if they are only Twitter handles and profile pictures!
Now, let’s answer your questions.
When will there be word on the ALCS situation?
The team are still waiting for clarification, so we can’t say anything until then.
We’ll be in touch with our writers as soon as we can.
Having had a story accepted, how often would you recommend I send future stories in?
It’s entirely up to you. We honestly don’t mind.
Some writers send a few a week, while others submit a few a year.
Should the synopsis for a short story go in the body of the email or the short story document itself?
If you could pop it in the email, that would be great.
Do your illustrators ever base the characters they create on celebrities?
That would be a coincidence!
Will you read the new romantic novel by a certain former member of the Royal Family?
Oooh, it’s tempting!
If you have a question for the Fiction team, why not join us for our next Writing Hour on Twitter — 11 a.m. on Tuesday 10 August, 2021.
Or click here to find out if we’ve answered your question previously.
See you back here next week for another Writing Hour roundup!