Our “Think Green, Be Green” page in this week’s issue features Jenny Chandler’s new book for young people, “Green Kids Cook”.
I saw an early copy and thought it was great. Would others agree? I asked my friend, Kay and her granddaughter, Freya, for their thoughts.
Here’s their joint review!
“Green Kids Cook”
“This awesome new cookery book has a strong environmental message. Presented using vibrant colours and great graphics, it is for vegetarians, vegans and has recipes for everyone.
Inside, there are introductions for kids and adults, a few safety tips, cooking and preparation techniques, five well divided main chapters (breakfast and brunch – snacks – soups and salads – mains – sweet things) and a nice clear index. The font is easy to read.
The recipes
Each of the recipes are easy to follow, with plenty of cool speech bubbles, photographs and explanations on which foods are most nutritious and also gentle on the planet.
The recipes are international. The kids photographed doing the demonstrations are, too.
Many use seasonal foods from home and some are meals from other parts of the world. It introduces spices, super seeds, herbs and foraged food, which budding chefs can use to create yummy dishes.
There is no fast food in this awesome book, just nutritious and nice, local and lovely, fabulous and fresh.
There is information on the ingredients used in each recipe – using them in other ways, how to cook or store them, where they come from and how they are grown.
Loads of fun facts and colourful info graphics make every page intriguing and nice to look at, suggesting cool, new, different and unusual dishes which leave a smaller “foodprint”.
Eco tips
There are lots of eco tips on respecting the environment, caring for the soil, avoiding food waste, best ways to use a fridge and freezer, how to make things like a reusable shopping bag and also the importance of food miles, buying local and supporting local farmers and producers.
A copy of this really cool book will make a great present: for kids learning to eat well.
It’s also great for sharing with adults who need to hear the environmental messages that junior eco-warriors already know. A copy should be in every school and in the home of anyone who cares about healthy eating and creating a good food nation.”
In short . . .
“Freya’s favourite so far, is smacked cucumber and crispy green salad,” Kay said. “And, thanks to the super seeds page, I have sprouted buckwheat for the first time ever.
“Freya also comments that the visuals, font and graphics make the book really suitable for someone who is dyslexic. Actually, we love the whole book!”
“Green Kids Cook” by Jenny Chandler is published by Pavilion Books on July 1, priced £14.99.
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