Features Ed Blog: A Tale Of Two Interviews

a tale of two interviews

For me, this week’s issue is a tale of two interviews.

I was fortunate enough to chat to a couple of great folk in the November 13 issue, out now.

Christmas CD Steve

a tale of two interviews

Steve Millington has been doing our Christmas CD (which comes with Special 217!) for our Christmas Specials for years now.

Chatting to him annually has become more of a catch-up than a traditional interview! He’s got twin grand-daughters the same age as my son, and for somebody so prolific and talented in the world of music, he’s very down to earth.

I talk to him for a piece in the weekly mag, to tie in with the release of the Christmas CD.

He’s a member of hit folk group the Houghton Weavers, and has been able to get back on the road a bit this year. Something he’s missed very much, despite enjoying working from home in his new studio.

Steve shared tales of energetic grandchildren and how he’s been delighted to be playing live in theatres again.

It reminded me of the joy of being in the audience, as he described the atmosphere in the venues, the connection between musicians and audience and the fun times he’d had in the past.

It’s been a while since I’ve been to a gig, but it brought it all back!

I’ll be looking forward to catching up with him this time next year…

The Urban Birder

a tale of two interviews

Photograph by Nina Rangøy.

The second interview I did for this issue was with David Lindo – the Urban Birder.

David grew up in London and seemed to have an innate interest in wildlife from a young age.

He digested a bird encyclopaedia at a young age, and became adept at spotting the residents in his local area.

There’s a few sad moments in the chat, where David remembers how much scrubland and patchy growth there used to be – even in the city.

These were oases of wildlife, and he remembers even catching kingfishers in bushes over the waterways. These bits have gone to development, but David is optimistic that we might start building natural needs into future developments.

David’s proud to be a black voice amongst a predominantly white cast of British nature presenters. But he hopes more will come to the fore, and looks forward to a more diverse future. As do we all, I think.

I really hope you enjoy reading them! And there’s so much more great stuff in this week’s issue, as well.

We’ve got great book recommendations from Karen Byrom, a brilliant piece about female firefighters and a look back at 85 years of the BBC…

Read more from Alex and the team.


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