“The Taking Of Annie Thorne” by C.J. Tudor

When Stephen King gives you a quote for your book cover (“If you like my stuff, you’ll like this.”), then you know your fiction hits the spot!

“The Taking Of Annie Thorne” by C.J. Tudor is the follow-up — though not a sequel — to her hugely successful debut novel, “The Chalk Man”.

In this book, youngster Annie goes missing, only to mysteriously turns up 48 hours later. But she’s not quite the same . . . and she won’t speak about what happened.

“I didn’t want to admit, even to myself, that sometimes I was scared to death of my own little sister.”

Fast forward a few years and her brother, who’s telling the story, receives a mysterious e-mail telling him:

I know what happened to your sister. It’s happening again . . .

This prompts him to return to his hometown and face his own past, as well as a dangerous future.

Unlike Stephen King, C.J. Tudor’s books are set in Britain. Anyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s will recognise the events, music and goings-on of the times.

“The Taking Of Annie Thorne” is creepy beyond words. If you have a fear of disused mines, it’s perhaps best that you give this a miss!

Just like Stephen King, the fact that Tudor’s characters are so believable makes the events even creepier.

“The Taking Of Annie Thorne” by C.J. Tudor is available in hardback.

Read more of the team’s book reviews here.


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