That’s Some Good “Material” For A Blog!

knitting square blankets

Our Love Darg campaign may be over, but many of the staff in the office are yet to put their knitting needles down. This morning, huddles formed as everyone brought out their bundles of wool and began to tranquilly knit away.

Some folks were casting off for the first time, while others started on their second, even third, little blanket for Cats Protection.

knitting square blankets

Casting off!

As I took a little jaunt around the desks, I got chatting with a few of our focussed knitters and they all had very positive things to say about the experience.

“It’s really calming.” said sub-editor, Jacki.

“You’re so focussed you could just keep going.” said, Alison from the fiction team.

“I’m actually taking my knitting to my friend’s house tonight!” laughed one of our Graphic Designers, Moira.

“Oh! We should get Hannah into knitting!” chimed a voice elsewhere – unfortunately I’ve not yet had a chance to give it a go. I mean, being behind the camera was a lot work.

Ah, the perfect time to plug the Love Darg video I filmed and edited, again! And again!

knitting square blankets

Starting again!

For the past few lunches, there’s been something of a small knitting club in the making, congregating in the staff kitchen, a circle of chatter. Which is nice to see.

There should be room in every busy office for a therapeutic craft like knitting, and the few social minutes such brings.

Above, is an image of “The People’s Friend’s” team effort. All the squares above are complete and ready to send off to some cute little kitty cats in need.

I think we did yarn good!

The colours and the patterns are lovely, and quality is actually quite impressive. Everyone really gave this a fantastic go, so it’s well worth a team blog post for sure!

And, if you’re interested in what I got up to on the day of our Knitting for Cats Protection event, I wrote a whole blog post detailing the trials and tribulations of working the camera and Kitting A Video Together!

I’m pretty sure everyone here in “The People’s Friend” office will continue to knit away and advance to hats, scarves and gloves. Just in time for winter!

I think I’ll definitely give knitting a wee square a go myself soon.


For more from the Team Blog!





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