Liz has been tracking down knitting patterns this week
I had to share this lovely photograph with you today. This little rascal is in disgrace having taken a liking to a knitting pattern. His owner, Margaret, contacted me to tell the sorry tale.
It seems that 19- month-old Chihuahua, Rolo, had gone rummaging in her knitting bag and decided to have a chew at her knitting pattern. As you can see, she still had a fair bit of work to do on the cardigan.
Fortunately for Margaret, I was able to send her a new copy of the pattern and she has promised to keep her bag firmly closed and out of Rolo’s reach.
Common knitting issues
Nicola also contacted me recently on behalf of her ninety-five-year-old gran who had a chunk missing from her cardigan pattern. I’m not sure what happened to it but because she was able to scan it and let me see exactly what it looked like, we were able to find it and her gran is now working on completing her garment.
It is nice to be able to help a reader find a pattern, especially if they are halfway through making the garment but sometimes it just can’t be done. If a pattern is more than a few years old it needs a specialist search and that can only happen if we have the date or a close approximate. For example, “the Seventies” is just too vague but summer 1976 would be manageable.
However, the moral of this tale is definitely keep your patterns safe, especially if you have pets in the house!