Candy Bands Sweater

Front and back of stripy knitted sweater worn by a model

Knit yourself a pretty stripy sweater to keep snug and warm this autumn and winter.

Stripy Sweater pattern: Measurements

Sweater size chart


17 sts and 23 rows = 4″ [10 cm] in stocking st with larger needles.

You will need:

Wool  and needle requirements:

Wool requirements for sweater












The yarn for this project is available from and

Knitting abbreviations

Approx =Approximately
Beg = Begin(ing)
Cont = Continue(ity)
Dec = Decreas(ing)
Inc = Increase(ing)
K = Knit
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together
P = Purl
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches together
Pat = Pattern
Rem = Remain(ing)
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left hand needle, then knit through back loops together
St(s) = Stitch(es)
WS = Wrong side

How to work the stripy sweater knitting pattern:

Finished sweater spread out on a table

The instructions are written for XS/S. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written XS/S (M-L-XL-2/3XL-4/5XL).

When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.

Stripe Pat 1 (worked in stocking st)

With A, work 4″ [10 cm], ending on a purl row.

With B, work 1″ [2.5 cm] ending on a purl row.

With C, work 4″ [10 cm] ending on a purl row.

With B, work 1″ [2.5 cm] ending on a purl row.

With D, work 4″ [10 cm] ending on a purl row.

With B, work 1″ [2.5 cm] ending on a purl row.

With E, work 4″ [10 cm] ending on
a purl row.

These 19″ [48 cm] form Stripe Pat I.

Stripe Pat II (worked in stocking st)

With C, work 2″ [5 cm], ending on a purl row.

With A, work 2″ [5 cm], ending on a purl row.

These 4″ [10 cm] form Stripe Pat II.

Stripe Pat III (worked in stocking st)

With B work 2″ [5 cm], ending on a purl row.

With E work 2″ [5 cm], ending on a purl row.

These 4″ [10 cm] form Stripe Pat III.

To make sweater back:

**With smaller needles and A, cast on 90 (102-110-118-134-146) sts.

1st row: *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.

2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2.

Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing 8 times more.**

Change to larger needles and work Stripe Pat I until piece from beg measures 22 (22½-24-24-25½- 26)” [56 (57-61-61-65-66) cm], changing to E only when Stripe Pat I is complete and ending on a purl row.

With E only, proceed as follows:

Shape shoulders: Cast off 7 (8-9- 10-12-13) sts beg next 6 rows, then 7 (9-9-10-10-13) sts beg following 2 rows. Leave rem 34 (36-38-38-42-42) sts on a st holder.

To make sweater front:

Work from ** to ** as given for Back.

Change to larger needles and work Stripe Pat I until piece from beg measures 20 (20½-22-22-23½- 24)” [51 (52-56-56-58.5-61) cm], changing to E only when Stripe Pat I is complete and ending on a purl row.

With E only, proceed as follows:

Shape left neck: Next row: (RS). K31 (36-39-43-49-55). K2tog (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts unworked.

Cont on 32 (37-40-44-50-56) sts.

Next row: Purl.

Next row: Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.

Next row: Purl.

Rep last 2 rows 3 times more. 28 (33-36-40-46-52) sts rem.

Shape shoulder: Next row: (RS). Cast off 7 (8-9-10-12-13) sts. Knit to end of row.

Next row: Purl.

Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row: Cast off 7 (8-9-10-12- 13) sts. Knit to end of row.

Next row: Purl.

Cast off rem 7 (9-9-10-10-13) sts.

With RS facing, slip next 24 (26-28-28-32-32) sts onto a st holder for front neck.

Join E to rem sts and proceed as follows:

Shape right neck: Next row: (RS). ssk. Knit to end of row. 32 (37-40-44-50-56) sts.

Next row: Purl.

Rep last 2 rows until there are 28 (33-36-40-46-52) sts, ending on a knit row.

Shape shoulder: Next row: (WS). Cast off 7 (8-9-10-12-13) sts. Purl to end of row.

Next row: Knit.

Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row: Cast off 7 (8-9-10- 12-13) sts. Purl to end of row.

Knit 1 row.

Cast off rem 7 (9-9-10-10-13) sts.

Sleeve and body size diagrams


Sleeves and body sizing diagramTo make sleeves:

Note: For Right Sleeve, cast on with A and follow Stripe Pat II. For Left Sleeve, cast on with E and follow Stripe Pat III.

With smaller needles and either A for Right Sleeve or E for Left Sleeve, cast on 34 (34-42-42-50-50) sts.

Work 2″ [5 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing as given for Back, ending on a WS row and inc 2 sts evenly across last row. 36 (36-44-44-52-52) sts.

Change to larger needles and beg working Stripe Pat II for Right Sleeve or Stripe Pat III for Left Sleeve for 4 rows.

Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, inc 1 st each end of next and following 4th rows until there are 76 (80-84-84- 86-92) sts.

Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, work even in stocking st until piece from beg measures 18 (17½-17- 17-16½-15½)” [45.5 (44.5-43-43- 40.5-39.5) cm], ending on a purl row.

Cast off.


Stripy sweater knitted and worn by model, front and back shown

Pin pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry. Sew right shoulder seam, leaving left shoulder seam open.

Neckband: With RS facing, smaller needles and E, pick up and knit 12 sts down left front neck edge. K24 (26-28-28-32-32) from front neck st holder. Pick up and knit 12 sts up right front neck edge. K34 (36-38-38-42-42) from Back neck st holder. 82 (86-90-90-98-98) sts.

1st row: (WS). *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2.

2nd row: *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.

Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing twice more.

Cast off in ribbing.

Sew left shoulder and neckband seam. Place markers on side edges of Front and Back 9 (9½-10-10-10½-11)” [23 (24-25.5-25.5-26.5-28) cm] down from shoulders.

Sew cast off edge of sleeves between markers on body. Sew side and sleeve seams.

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