An Allotment Life for me


Four years ago my friend received the news he’d got an allotment.

Since then he’s built the piece of rented land into a sanctuary that was well worth the 8-year wait!

He spends most of his weekend at the allotment, putting in backbreaking work, weeding, repotting, rotation, replanting, and the all-important harvesting. We popped into the allotment around mid-morning, and he revealed he intended to be there until 7pm that night. He also gave us some freshly dug potatoes and yellow cucumbers, which we cannot wait to try out.

Rewarding work.

Having an allotment is rewarding work, and they are in high demand.

We previously reported that an estimated 90,000 people are waiting for an allotment space., and depending on which allotment you choose, the waiting time varies. In Edinburgh, the shortest waiting time is 1 year, and the maximum time is 10 years.

Many people do not have access to a garden so cannot grow their own fruit or vegetables, so an allotment is ideal.

Like my friend, you may want to spend a good deal of time at your allotment so it’s important to pick one with the right amenities for you. If you need a shed, a light, or storage, these are things to consider as not all allotments offer the same amenities.

Know your stuff

Before you embark on a ‘grow your own’ journey, it is best to research as much as possible. Knowing seeding times and harvesting times. Know the soil, and the difference a raised bed can make. Know which plants are self-seeding, and will grow like wildfire and those which may need more attention. Also, take into account whether you plot is

Most allotments require a certain degree of work, and you will need to go weekly to weed and check on your crops. Making sure your crops are looked after, and your land is in good condition will definitely be a rewarding feeling when you begin to harvest!

Find out more about allotments here


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