Dealing With Garden Pests – Part 2

garden pests

This is part two of expert Kris Collins’s look at garden pests.

Catch up with part one on our Gardening pages here, or read on to find out if our man can solve your latest problem!

garden pests


Lily beetle

These bright red beetles can decimate lily displays, attacking all parts of the plant.

The grubs are harder to spot – what may appear to be bird droppings on your lilies might actually be the grubs, which cover themselves in their own excrement for protection.

Control: By hand or treat with Westland Resolva Bug Killer.

garden pests



These sap suckers seek out fresh new growth and can quickly infest individual plants or whole planting areas.

They are one of the most troublesome garden pests, as they move from plant to plant they can transfer viruses – often seen as puckered foliage growth.

Control: Bayer Organic Bug Free will quickly deal with the problem, or alternatively clean plants by hand or make your own aphid spray. Boil up a few crushed garlic cloves and strain, allow to cool, then add a few drops of washing-up liquid.

garden pests


Slugs and snails

These slimy suspects hide in damp, shady spots by day, coming out at night or during damp weather to feast on plant foliage.

Control: Pellets are a common method, but those looking for an eco-friendlier option can employ various other tricks. Apply predatory nematodes to soils. Also, you can dot sunken pots of beer around borders – slugs pop in for a drink, get drunk and can’t get out again! Sprinkling egg shells and/or wood ash around plants also helps.

Live begins when you start a garden, according to Fiction team’s Tracey. Click here to read her thoughts.

And you can read more from the rest of the “Friend” team over on our blog. Click here to get started.


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