Editor’s Diary: Beautiful Branklyn Garden

Branklyn Garden

A few months ago, I decided to make an effort to visit more of the beautiful places right on my doorstep.

We all spend so much time and energy travelling to far-flung places that, often, we don’t see what’s right under our noses.

As a result, I have already been to some fascinating places, such as Glendoick Gardens and Moncrieffe Hill. Last week, I visited the Branklyn Garden in Perth.

I have driven past the entrance to this little gem more times than I can count, without stopping in.

But what a pleasure I’ve been missing.

This hillside haven is run by the National Trust for Scotland, with two acres filled with beautiful blooms.

The water lilies were looking particularly lovely when I visited.

A couple named John and Dorothy Renton created Branklyn in the 1920s, using seeds collected from all over the world by intrepid plant hunters.

Dorothy was the skilled gardener of the two, and it’s thanks to her that the garden flourished.

Their story reminded me a little of a serial we published last year about plant collectors.

The Flower Of Hope

It was called “The Flower Of Hope”. And the good news is that author Penny Alexander is currently writing a sequel!

Look out for it in an issue of the “Friend” in the coming months.

My visit to Branklyn Garden left me feeling refreshed and calmed. And inspired to tackle the overgrown jungle that is my own garden!

It was also the perfect way to unwind after a busy week of meetings in the office.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

“The Flower Of Hope” was one of our Daily Serials in 2018. Our current Daily Serial is “Echoes From The Past” by Joyce Begg.

It’s a dramtic, dual-period story set in Stirling in both 1314 and 2014.

Click here to start reading today!


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