It’s very easy to find yourself in a bit of pain after spending hours hunched over, pulling weeds from the garden. It’s not a nice side-effect to something as relaxing and rewarding as gardening. So here’s some tips on how to loosen your limbs after a bit of strenuous plant potting.
- Try a few simple warm up exercises before you begin. March on the spot and swing your arms at the same time until you start to feel warm.
- Avoid straining your back by getting down close to the work you are doing – use a kneeling mat or special knee pads. Or invest in raised flower-beds.
- When you’re digging, try to do it after a rain shower when the ground is softer. Take the strain with your legs, not your back.
- Staying in one position for too long puts a strain on your whole body. If you’re reaching to prune a bush, stop for a rest every few minutes and stretch.
- Don’t strain yourself trying to lift something that is too heavy. Get help rather than put your back out, and remember to lift from the knees.