New Garden, New Opportunities

In honour of National Gardening Week, I thought I would talk a little about the most recent adventures I’ve had in my garden . . .

I’ve recently moved house. Doing so some weeks before Christmas was hectic, but once I was settled I was fine.

An unexpected bonus of moving, I found, was a new garden to explore. This spring it’s been a joy to see what’s coming up, and to plan what I’d like to add to make it feel my own.

My new garden has brought challenges, though.

The little bit at the front is fine, and like the back garden it’s all pebbled with shrubs, so it will be easy to keep under control.

Alongside the showy pieris shrubs I’ve planted the little heather which was a souvenir from “The People’s Friend” party, and it’s growing well.

But the back! It’s almost vertical, and any tentative exploring involves cautious footwork. I notice some neighbours have terraced theirs, which seems the most sensible thing to do, so that’s a project for next year, or even autumn.

Right now, I’m just loving the impressive palm tree which whispers and rustles in any breeze, and the new camellia, magnolia, mock orange and lavender seem to be thriving.

As summer approaches I’m relieved to see that the sun does reach my back door, so some garden furniture will be required.

And then, all that remains is to sit back and admire the view.

Click here for more “Friendly” gardening stories — including hints, tips and even new plants!


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