Go Green! Some Benefits Of A Leafier Diet


Everyone knows green vegetables, such as spinach, are packed full of nutrients.

But if you want to get all the gen on what it has to offer, then you won’t want to miss our “6 good reasons to eat spinach” feature, coming up in our July 4 issue.

In the meantime, here’s a little taster of why we should all be trying to go green when it comes to mealtimes!

Along with spinach, cavolo nero and kale are a great way to pack a nutritional punch into our diet.

Both cavolo nero and kale are a good source of lutein, which can help with eye health, as well as vitamin K, which plays a role in maintaining normal bones, and vitamins A and C, which help the immune system to function normally.

Cavolo nero is a significant source of the B vitamins like folic acid, which is important during pregnancy.

It is also a source of fibre and calcium, as well as containing manganese, copper, iron and many other elements.

Picture courtesy of nutritionist Pixie Turner.

“In the summer, many people find their preferences shifting towards cold foods and salads,” Discover Great Veg Nutritionist Pixie Turner says.

“This is a great opportunity to enjoy your favourite leafy greens. Greens like spinach, for example, are a great source of nutrients like vitamin A, folate, and vitamin C.

“Interestingly, the calcium and iron in spinach are more bioavailable when the veg is cooked.

“However, if you like your spinach raw and cold, then consider a squeeze of lemon, perhaps a little vinegar, and possibly adding some dairy into your salad.

“Personally I’m a big fan of feta. This way they taste even better, and you get more nutrients from them. Win-win!”

Here are some interesting facts for you to digest, too:

  • Did you know cavolo nero translates as “black cabbage”?
  • Kale provides twice the amount of vitamin C than that of an orange
  • Spinach-eating Popeye was based on a real person!

For more great health advice from “The People’s Friend”, click here.


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