SPONSORED: Who will take care of your cat when you’re gone?

cat on chair with owner

A Cat Guardians service ensures your cat can have a happy and loving future when you pass away.

There is no doubt the UK is a nation of cat lovers. With just over 1 in 4 households owning a cat, the cat population in our homes numbers 11 million, and it’s growing every day!

As a cat owner, you strive to do your best for them every day.

However, you need to consider what might happen if you weren’t there for them anymore. If you were to pass away, you may have family or friends who you can rely upon to give your cat a good home, but that isn’t always the case.

Ensure a loving future for your cat

A free Cat Guardians service offered by Cats Protection ensures that your cat can look forward to a happy and loving future, even if you are no longer there to provide it for them.

As well as expert employees, around 9,000 dedicated volunteers make up the heart of Cats Protection, helping to deliver the charity’s important services across the UK. As a member of the Cat Guardians service, you can rely on this devoted network of cat lovers to look after and rehome your cat if you pass away.

fluffy cat lying down

Knowing your cat will be cared for in a loving new home provides reassuring peace of mind.

If you choose to enrol in the free Cat Guardians service, Cats Protection will send you all the information you require to formalise the agreement, including wording that can be included in your Will or codicil and a Cat Guardians pack to let friends and family know you have provided for your cat’s future.

Let’s be honest, it can be challenging to think about these things. Sometimes it can be tempting to delay making decisions that relate to our death. However, knowing your cat will be cared for in a loving new home that will cherish them as much as you do provides reassuring peace of mind.

Offering support in challenging times

Cats Protection, the UK’s largest cat welfare charity, has been protecting, caring for and advocating for the rights of cats for nearly a century.

The charity’s goal has always been to help people better understand the needs of cats, aiming to create a society where every cat has their best possible life because they are understood by everyone.

Cat Guardians is just one example of how the charity does this, but there are also many other practical and emotional support services on offer from Cats Protection.

These include Lifeline, a specialist cat fostering service for those fleeing domestic abuse, so they can rest assured their cat will be taken care of until they can be safely reunited.

cat walking outside

A gift to Cats Protection in your Will will help the charity care for more cats and kittens.

If you’re grieving the loss of a pet cat, Paws to Listen is a grief support service that can help you through this challenging time. Dedicated volunteer listeners are on hand for when you need support and can offer a sympathetic ear.

As a charity, Cats Protection relies on the generosity and kindness of public donations to enable them to continue caring for cats and kittens, as well as offering support to owners.

A gift in your Will makes a real difference

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, a gift to Cats Protection in your Will could help the charity care for even more cats and kittens for years to come.

These special gifts fund nearly half of everything the charity does. No matter how large or small, they make a real difference to the lives of the cats that its team feeds, nuzzles, plays with and loves.

As one supporter who left a gift in their Will to Cats Protection sums it up: “The world would be a poorer place with no cats.”

Find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to Cats Protection and help keep the UK’s feline friends purring now and in the future.


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