Farewell To Colleen, Our “Friend” Health Writer

As the year draws to a close, it’s also time to say farewell to our Health Writer, Colleen Shannon.

Colleen has provided “The People’s Friend” with informative articles week after week, for many years.

I’m sure her warm, easy to understand work has brought comfort and reassurance to our readers over the years. 

But nothing stays the same forever, and Colleen is moving on to pastures new.

I asked her about her thoughts of her time spent with the “Friend” and she recalls when she first began.

“I was thrilled when Alex, the Features Editor, first asked me to write some health articles for ‘The People’s Friend’,” Colleen says.

“Little did I know that it would become an important part of my life, every week for several years.”

“Since then, I must have written hundreds of articles on everything from angina to . . . well, I couldn’t think of anything for Y and Z . . . but I did do X-rays!

“I think the ‘Friend’ is unique in the way that its regular writers stick with the job for years, even decades.

“But every now and then I like to shake up my world a bit and see where things settle next, and this New Year is one of those times.

“I’ve decided to step away from the weekly deadlines and concentrate on other types of health writing, like patient information.

“I’m especially keen to work in the exciting field of digital health, where technology is transforming medical care. I don’t know yet where it will take me. I may even go back to school!

“But I do know that I have already learned so much from all the experts and charities who have contributed to your health pages, and from the lovely team at ‘The People’s Friend’. They’re the best.

“And so are you, the readers – thanks for your kind support. And I’d like to wish you a very happy and healthy New Year in 2021 and far beyond.”

Fresh beginnings

We’re all ready for fresh beginnings in 2021, and we have a fabulous health writer ready to take over the reins.

health writer

Photograph courtesy of Jackie Mitchell.

Jackie Mitchell has worked as a freelance journalist for over 15 years.

Her journalism experience includes staff jobs on national newspapers, women’s magazines and trade publications, in print and online, in the UK and abroad.

Before going freelance, she worked in healthcare PR for several agencies.

As a freelance copywriter, she has worked for hospitals and medical charities, and brings with her a wealth of knowledge.

We’re delighted to welcome Jackie and we’re sure you, the reader, will find her health column both interesting and informative.

So welcome, Jackie. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2021 for us all.

For health and wellbeing tips from “The People’s Friend”, click here.


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