Gentle Warm up Exercises

exercising for health

Did you know that you’re 70% more likely to return to a sport after an injury if you are aged over 60?

With daily activity being highly encouraged we are taking to sporting hobbies with gusto, but sometimes we are not so careful with our warm up and can become injured.

A recent study by Ramsay Health Care UK surveyed 2,000 people and revealed that those over 50 are most at risk of harming themselves while pursuing their hobby, with 43% admitting to having taken time off work as a result.

Other statistics from the study revealed that:

  • Running and gym workouts, such as aerobic classes or weight lifting, accounted for 35% of women’s injuries.
  • More than 62% of people who took part in the survey were hospitalised because of their sporting pastime, with broken bones being the most common injury closely followed by muscle pain.
  • Sports injuries account for more than 13.5 working days lost per person.
  • Nearly a third of all injuries were broken bones.
  • The survey of 2,000 people revealed that those over 50 are most at risk of harming themselves while pursuing their hobby, with 43% admitting to having taken time off work as a result.

Sally Mirtle, a Senior Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist at Ashtead Hospital, Ramsay Health Care UK recommends a general warm-up of 5-10 minutes of light cardiovascular exercise such as a fast walk, light jog or gentle cycle. Sally has also compiled a series of warm-up exercises to help prevent injury whilst playing sport:

Arm Circles

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, raise arms to side keeping elbows extended, slowly rotate arms forward making a circle. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

warm up

Hip Rotations

Place your hands on your hips and circle your hips around keeping your torso straight. Circle 10 times one way, and 10 times the other way.

hip rotations

Leg Swings

Hold on to a support keeping your torso upright, gently swing one leg forward and back like a pendulum. Repeat 20 times each leg.

Knee Lifts

Stand with support if needed and lift one knee to your chest to tap your opposite hand. Alternate knee lifts 20 times on each side.

Mini Squats

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and lower your bottom a small way as if sitting on a chair slowly return to start position. Repeat 20 times.

Calf Pumps

Stand and lean onto a support with your knees straight. Alternate calf pumps lifting one foot to tiptoe and as you lower down lift the other leg to tiptoe. Repeat 20 times.


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