Hero Pets: Simba The Firefighting Dog

Hero pet Simba and trainer Anton in firefighting equipment

We all love stories of hero pets, so we sniffed out this story of Simba, the dog who works for London Fire Brigade

Simba the English springer spaniel is a fire investigation dog. Assisting LFB’s Fire Investigation Team, Simba’s job is to detect substances that may have been used to start a fire, helping investigators determine whether it was started deliberately.

Anton is a dog handler and Fire Investigator at LFB and he works closely with Simba on each case.

“Simba and I are a team, and train and work together,” Anton explains.

“Using Simba to search for us is a win-win situation because he loves to search and he loves to play ball. The only time he looks a little disappointed is when the work stops.”

Simba was previously owned by a gamekeeper who decided he was “too energetic for a gun dog”, but Anton says his energy is perfect for his job at LFB.

Hero pet

Hero pet Simba english springer spaniel in firefighting PPE

Courtesy of London Fire Brigade.

Simba also assists in identifying suspects of arson and other crimes involving ignitable substances.

Whatever the job, Simba’s welfare is Anton’s top priority.

We’ll only attend an incident if Simba is fit and ready and it doesn’t put him at risk.

“Simba has his own personal protective equipment, or fire gear, to keep him safe. This includes specialist boots that he wears to protect him against sharp objects and contaminants. Our fire dogs are never sent into hot scenes.”

Although he is a working dog, Simba is also very much a part of Anton’s family. He was also a finalist for the Hero Dog Award at The Kennel Club.

It seems like happiness is… spending time with our pets. However, in hot weather there are many things you can do as an owner to protect your pet. Take a look at this 8 step plan from the  British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA)


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