Is Hanger A Real Thing?

Shutterstock / Prostock-studio © is hanger real

Is “hanger” real? Yes, argues Features Ed Alex.

There’s a slogan that’s been doing the rounds on t-shirts and cards, recently – “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” Unfortunately, this sums my behaviour up quite often.

I don’t honestly know how anybody could be happy or particularly civil if they were hungry. But then I met my wife, who could miss an entire meal and not even realise until someone reminded her, or she got to the next one.

My parents remember keeping something in the glovebox when picking me up from school. Apparently, I’d barely speak until I’d had at least a sweetie or two. My grandparents did the same. It must’ve been a widely acknowledged problem with me!

On the BBC, there’s a story of a woman who gave up carbs for two weeks. She ended up challenging a carful of men to a fight when they beeped her for moving too slowly at the traffic lights!

So, it’s a real thing. When your blood sugars drop, the rage rises – in some of us, at least. Cortisol and adrenaline spike, the same as if you’re in a fight or flight situation.

Changing Times

is hanger real


I’ve had to learn to manage this after having children. Putting their dietary needs first often means meals for us are a bit askew. But it’s easier to handle, knowing your wee one is getting what they need. That’s been a useful parental instinct, when it kicked in.

Only thing is, our son has gone and inherited the hanger from me! He’s two at the moment, so not a level-headed age, by any means – but keep him waiting for a meal at your peril!

I was well aware he was already peckish at lunchtime the other day, but the potato waffle and scrambled eggs I was whipping up for him – a 5 minute meal to make – were just not ready quickly enough. So he threw a proper wobbler. And I realised then what my parents had been through.

But Not That Different

I’ve not changed that much, though. And I’m eternally grateful for my wife’s patience. She’s kind enough to let me postpone decisions and conversations until after meals. It’s best not to ask me anything important in the hour preceding food…unless it’s about what we’re having…

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Alex Corlett

I am the "Friend's" Features Editor, working with the talented Features Team to bring you everything from cryptic crosswords to financial advice, knitting patterns to international travel and inspirational real life stories. Always on the hunt for a new feature idea, I also enjoy cycling and love a good tea room.

Is Hanger A Real Thing?

Shutterstock / Prostock-studio © is hanger real

Is “hanger” real? Yes, argues Features Ed Alex.

There’s a slogan that’s been doing the rounds on t-shirts and cards, recently – “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” Unfortunately, this sums my behaviour up quite often.

I don’t honestly know how anybody could be happy or particularly civil if they were hungry. But then I met my wife, who could miss an entire meal and not even realise until someone reminded her, or she got to the next one.

My parents remember keeping something in the glovebox when picking me up from school. Apparently, I’d barely speak until I’d had at least a sweetie or two. My grandparents did the same. It must’ve been a widely acknowledged problem with me!

On the BBC, there’s a story of a woman who gave up carbs for two weeks. She ended up challenging a carful of men to a fight when they beeped her for moving too slowly at the traffic lights!

So, it’s a real thing. When your blood sugars drop, the rage rises – in some of us, at least. Cortisol and adrenaline spike, the same as if you’re in a fight or flight situation.

Changing Times

is hanger real


I’ve had to learn to manage this after having children. Putting their dietary needs first often means meals for us are a bit askew. But it’s easier to handle, knowing your wee one is getting what they need. That’s been a useful parental instinct, when it kicked in.

Only thing is, our son has gone and inherited the hanger from me! He’s two at the moment, so not a level-headed age, by any means – but keep him waiting for a meal at your peril!

I was well aware he was already peckish at lunchtime the other day, but the potato waffle and scrambled eggs I was whipping up for him – a 5 minute meal to make – were just not ready quickly enough. So he threw a proper wobbler. And I realised then what my parents had been through.

But Not That Different

I’ve not changed that much, though. And I’m eternally grateful for my wife’s patience. She’s kind enough to let me postpone decisions and conversations until after meals. It’s best not to ask me anything important in the hour preceding food…unless it’s about what we’re having…

For more features from “The People’s Friend” team, click here.

Click here for details on how to subscribe to “The People’s Friend”.


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