Kipbag — Our Thanks To You!


Several months ago, one of our freelance writers, Dawn Geddes, pitched a feature idea to us about an organisation called Kipbag.

This incredible wee charity founded by Chris Haycock aims to help homeless folk in the simplest of ways.

A donation of £15 will buy one “Kipbag”, which contains a sleeping bag, a hat, plasters, toothbrush, toothpaste, socks and some other bits and bobs.

In Chris’s words:

“Our goal is to address the immediate need for comfort, shelter and dignity. The KipBag project aims to give to the homeless these everyday basics we all take for granted.”

We jumped at the chance to feature their work in the magazine, and Dawn wrote us a wonderful article that appeared in our November 2 issue this year. It included a chat with Chris.

Sleep In The Park

Last year, some of us from the “Friend” office took part in Sleep In The Park.

It was a charity event to raise awareness of homelessness, and saw several hundred people sleep outside on a chilly December night.

Millions were raised to help the homeless, and we all got a very brief taste of how hard life on the streets must be.

And we were doing it with clean clothes, security, friends, as much insulation as we could manage — and, most importantly, the awareness that it was just for a night.

Your Reaction

Anyway, Dawn got in touch with me recently to share some feedback about the article from founder Chris:

So I just wanted to say a huge “thank you” to you, the readers. What an incredible response.

Your donations have helped a lot of rough sleepers this particularly cold winter.

How amazing is that?

I’m a bit more than a bit humbled by your generosity.

If you still want to donate, they’re always looking for help. Just visit them online by clicking here.

For more from Alex, read his blog here.


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