Look After Yourself This Christmas

look after yourselfShutterstock / Smit©

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. Or so sang Andy Williams.

And it can be! But sometimes the festivities can be a little bit stressful.

There’s no magic wand to wave that will help, but we can try some things to make look after yourself this Christmas.

Remember, you survived 100% of your worst days

If you’re feeling a little anxious or down in any way, here are some little things that can help.

Listen to some uplifting music. Turn the volume up!

Sit down and write a letter to someone.

Think of someone you know who would appreciate a personal touch and drop them a line or two. Write about some happy memories that you share.

Write down some things you plan to do in the New Year. Going for more walks, a list of books you plan to read, or even some new recipes you’re going to try out.

Take half an hour out of the day for yourself.

Nap, do some breathing exercises or listen to a relaxation podcast or video. There are lots on YouTube.

Check in with someone else that you know may be struggling a little.

Watch a funny film! Put the lights off and light some candles while you’re at it.

Always find time for things that make you happy

Then we have New Year. You shouldn’t feel compelled to stay up and join in if you don’t want to.

In fact, what could be better than a warm bath, pyjamas on and an early night with a good book?

However you’re spending the time over Christmas and New Year, just remember that it’s just a small part of the whole year.

Whether you like to party, or you dread it, it’s OK, like everything else, it passes.

Look after yourself and here’s to a fabulous 2022!

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