Have you noticed that the nights are definitely getting lighter?
It’s lighter in the mornings, too – and there’s birdsong in the air.
It feels as though spring is finally just around the corner.
So it’s time to address the elephant in my room – I need to start losing some lockdown weight!
Losing Lockdown Weight
It’s fair to say that I’ve rarely met a cake, sweetie or biscuit that I didn’t like.
Since coronavirus began, working from home and making sure “Friend” fiction stays in good shape has meant a lot of hours seated at a desk, and not much moving about in between.
Between that, and mainly staying put for two years to protect vulnerable family members, exercise has unfortunately not featured highly on my agenda, and it shows!
So, I’ve taken the plunge and gone back to swimming – outdoors.
Outdoor Swimming
I’ve always been quite fascinated by people who swim outdoors in freezing temperatures, but I’m afraid I’m nowhere near as brave as the hardy souls who go wild swimming – it’s too choppy for me.
However, our local pool also has an outdoor pool – perfect!
I’d say the first thirty seconds or so are not for the faint-hearted. There’s no doubt it’s bracing! But once you acclimatise, it’s great.
After what seems like a long time indoors, I’d forgotten how peaceful outdoor swimming can be. Really allows you to get away from it all.
Wish Me Luck!
As covid restrictions ease, it’s also great to be back out, talking to other humans.
For me it also feels easier to get up and out when the days are lighter.
Two Saturdays ago, there was ice on the ground when I went in, but for the moment, I seem to have enough ‘padding’ to insulate against the cold.
Not for long, hopefully!