“The Big Lunch” Puts Digital Dining One The Table

the big lunch

In June each year, The Big Lunch encourages people to spend a few hours getting together with their neighbours, celebrating community spirit right across the nation.

It’s back again on June 6-7. And this time it’s going virtual!

So many things feel uncertain right now. We don’t know what we will be doing next week, let alone next month. But we do know one thing for certain — we will definitely be having lunch.

So why not have lunch together, even if we have to be apart?

This year, the Big Lunch is going virtual. Neighbours will still be able to celebrate with their communities, just this time from a safe distance!

Big Lunch Ambassador Ainsley Harriott has been involved with the initiative for the past three years.

“I love people coming together to share food, and this year is no exception.

“It is important for us to stay connected to our communities, as we are relying on our neighbours more than ever. It’s heartening to see neighbourhoods looking out for each other, forming online contact groups and shopping for those who need help.

“We may not be able to go to restaurants or have parties right now but that doesn’t mean we can’t share a meal. Whether it’s a digital dinner or a virtual vino — we are all coming up with novel ways to stay connected during this health crisis.

“This year, The Big Lunch is going virtual. So invite your neighbours, your family and your friends. You can Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook or simply grab a plate of food and pick up the phone.

“This summer for the first time in its 10 year history, The Big Lunch will become The Big ‘Virtual’ Lunch, with events running online, on the phone and on your doorstep across June 6-7.

“Everyone’s invited! So what are you waiting for?”

Save the date for The Big ‘Virtual’ Lunch on June 6-7.

Find out how to join in at thebiglunch.com

You can take part either online or offline with these great suggestions.

Wondering what to make for lunch? Check out our Cookery pages for some great recipes.


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