These 10 Things Make Brits Truly Happy

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According to new research by Fasthosts, nearly 60% of Brits have been feeling unhappy more often since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

That’s maybe not surprising, given strict lockdown conditions and the lack of time spent with family and friends.

But with conditions finally easing and light appearing at the end of the tunnel, we thought we’d focus on more positive things! So we thought: what makes us Brits truly happy?

According to the same research, it’s these 10 things:

What makes Brits the happiest

Percentage of Brits who feel happy

A sunny blue sky


A compliment


Someone smiling at you


Watching a sunset


Sound of the sea


Scenic views




Seeing an old couple happy


Cute puppies and kittens


A cracking fireplace


Regular readers of the “Friend” will know that we’re strong advocates of a number of these options . . .

For instance, there are plenty of scenic views and sunny blue skies in our travel features, which cover destinations from Dublin to the Menteith Hills; from Vienna to Shanghai.

As for food, Cookery Ed Marion has that covered — we publish a new recipe right here every week.

We even have the occasional cute puppy!

Ultimately, we’re very proud that “The People’s Friend” (online and in print) remains a source of happiness not just for Brits, but for people all over the globe.

We hope that all of our readers can begin to get back to normal over the next few weeks. And that we’ll be able to do the same shortly, too!

For more from the “Friend” team, click here to read our blog.


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