The Alphabet Of Good Health


What is “the alphabet of good health”?

Well, as regular readers will know, “The People’s Friend” provides important health advice with every issue (and on our website!) from our very first issue, 150 years ago.

While these days we give plenty of useful information and tips, they are usually presented in a straightforward, factual way.

In 1917, however, it seems we were a little more creative.

That’s where the alphabet comes in . . .

Read on for glimpse back through time, courtesy of our Archives team.


AIR well your beds; shake each blanket and sheet.


BETTER go barefoot than go with wet feet.


CHEW your food slowly if well you’d be fed.


DON’T drink strong tea when you’re going to bed.


EAT when you’re hungry, and choose what is good;


FRUITS of the earth are the very best food.


GIVE yourself time for your meals and your sleep.


HAVE open windows if healthy you’d keep;


INSIDE the house should be fresh as without;


JUST use your nose when you’re going about.


KEEP every corner as clean as your face;


LET nothing dirty remain in the place.


MAKE solid comfort your aim in the home;


NOTHING not useful inside it should come.


OLD rags and rubbish should never be kept;


PLAIN floors or oilcloth are easily swept.


QUICKNESS is good if no detail you shirk.


RISE in good time and do double the work.


SEE that your cisterns are always quite clean.


TAKE special care of the corners not seen.


USE lots of water and soap without stint.


VAIN’S my advice if you don’t take the hint.


WALK every day in the sweet open air


XACTLY as if you had never a care.


YOU hold in your hands your own welfare and health.



No word on an entry for “Z”, so it’s not quite the alphabet of good health . . . but still, there’s definitely some good advice in here!

For more fascinating content from our Archives, click the tag below.

You’ll find more great — and slightly more modern! — health advice by clicking here.


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