Britain From Above

Upshot Photos © the Atkinson building in Southport by Upshot Photos

Jamie Leeming of Upshot Photos shares one of his favourite aerial shots – can you guess where in the UK it was taken?

Have you ever spotted a photograph in a brochure or magazine that seems almost too perfect? Maybe it has been taken from the skies above, giving a whole new meaning to bird’s eye view!

Liverpool drone operator Jamie Leeming of Upshot Photos specialises in this type of  photography. When a freak surfing accident in his thirties changed his life, it also opened new doors and opportunities for Jamie.

After retraining in web design and obtaining his drone licence, Jamie has been able to access places and take shots that would be impossible on the ground.

Jamie of Upshot Photos said, “I’ve always worked in publishing, graphics, advertising and web, and photography was a hobby. When drones became available, that allowed me to put a camera in areas I can’t get to in my wheelchair.”

A Merseyside landmark

We asked Jamie to pick out one of his favourite drone shots, and the striking photo above is the one he selected.

Jamie explains why it’s so special.

“This is the Atkinson building in Southport and it’s actually a combination of about 20 overlayed photos with the best light and shadows taken from each.

“It has a prominent foreground and background, lots of movement and good shadow detail even though it’s taken just after sunset. Some people like minimalist photos but I think this is quite the opposite and really packs a punch.”

See more of your favourite views from above

In the latest issue of “The People’s Friend Special” we showcase some of the most stunning locations the UK has to offer, taken from above by some of the leading lights in drone photography, including Jamie. Pick up the magazine from November 29, 2003.

Britain From Above feature in The People's Friend Special, Nov 2023

Allison Hay

I joined the "My Weekly" team thirteen years ago and, more recently, "The People's Friend". I love the variety of topics we cover both online and in the magazines. I manage the digital content for the brands, sharing features and information on the website, social media and in our digital newsletters.

Britain From Above

Upshot Photos © the Atkinson building in Southport by Upshot Photos

Jamie Leeming of Upshot Photos shares one of his favourite aerial shots – can you guess where in the UK it was taken?

Have you ever spotted a photograph in a brochure or magazine that seems almost too perfect? Maybe it has been taken from the skies above, giving a whole new meaning to bird’s eye view!

Liverpool drone operator Jamie Leeming of Upshot Photos specialises in this type of  photography. When a freak surfing accident in his thirties changed his life, it also opened new doors and opportunities for Jamie.

After retraining in web design and obtaining his drone licence, Jamie has been able to access places and take shots that would be impossible on the ground.

Jamie of Upshot Photos said, “I’ve always worked in publishing, graphics, advertising and web, and photography was a hobby. When drones became available, that allowed me to put a camera in areas I can’t get to in my wheelchair.”

A Merseyside landmark

We asked Jamie to pick out one of his favourite drone shots, and the striking photo above is the one he selected.

Jamie explains why it’s so special.

“This is the Atkinson building in Southport and it’s actually a combination of about 20 overlayed photos with the best light and shadows taken from each.

“It has a prominent foreground and background, lots of movement and good shadow detail even though it’s taken just after sunset. Some people like minimalist photos but I think this is quite the opposite and really packs a punch.”

See more of your favourite views from above

In the latest issue of “The People’s Friend Special” we showcase some of the most stunning locations the UK has to offer, taken from above by some of the leading lights in drone photography, including Jamie. Pick up the magazine from November 29, 2003.

Britain From Above feature in The People's Friend Special, Nov 2023


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