Close En-cow-nter


We found so many little gems in the pages of our bound volumes when we looked through 150 years of “The People’s Friend” for our souvenir edition. Among the many that we didn’t have room to include there was this reader’s memory of a cow with excellent taste in reading matter. Her letter appeared in 1912 and we hope you find it as a-moo-sing as we did!

The Cow And The “Friend”

Some twenty years ago a maiden aunt of mine came from Edinburgh to pay a short visit to my parents who were then staying in a small village three miles from St Andrews. As there was no newsagent’s shop in our village, my aunt soon ran out of reading matter, so one day she went into the town to get a few papers. She was a keen “Friend” reader, and at the time was particularly interested in the serial story then running. Therefore, she had no sooner left the “Ancient City”, than she opened up her favourite paper and began to devour its contents. While thus engaged, she failed to notice a number of cows coming leisurely along the road, being driven home to be milked by their owner, who was in no hurry and who was allowing them to take a bite on the roadside.

Full Tilt

Before she was aware of it, she went full tilt up against the foremost cow, who naturally raised its head in a hurry. But in the doing so she put her horn through the paper in my aunt’s hand, and before the latter could withdraw it, the cow was off at full gallop homeward, with the paper flapping over her ears. Needless to say, all my aunt could do was to retrace her steps and purchase another “Friend”.

Now that’s what we call udderly hilarious.


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