Editor’s Diary: A Day In Aberfeldy

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’ve been on an away day!

I was lucky enough to be invited to visit “Friend” nature writer Polly Pullar at her home near Aberfeldy.

I’ve visited several times before, and it’s always a real highlight. As you can see from my picture, she lives in a idyllic rural setting on a hillside, surrounded by wildlife, nature and animals. Going there is a real tonic.

And, of course, Polly is great company and a welcoming host!

This week, I was luckier with the weather than I have been on previous visits. The sun was shining and the sky was blue as I drove up the A9 towards Highland Perthshire.

Polly and Maisie the collie came out to greet me, and we set off to meet the other animals.

Hens, Sheep And Deer

First were the hens, who greatly enjoyed their snack of leftover cheese sandwiches!

Then we stopped by the field that’s home to an assortment of pet sheep, plus Polly’s two rescued red deer, Ruby and Cloudy.

Ruby remained aloof, but Cloudy was delighted to have visitors! And this was my first encounter with wee Shuggie, the tiny Soay lamb Polly adopted last year. He is a cheeky and adorable character!

A blissful walk through woods carpeted in bluebells and wild violets followed. And then it was time for lunch. Both for us, and for Polly’s newest charge!

She is currently caring for a baby red squirrel. Now around five weeks old, he came to her as a two-week-old kit unable to fend for himself.

Now he’s the picture of health, and seeing him drinking his milk from a dropper was a very special privilege.

And his name? In honour of the person who found him, this little squirrel is called Alistair!

Read more of Angela’s Editor’s Diary entries here.


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