Editor’s Diary: A Fond Farewell And A New Face

Eve Conroy/DC Thomson©

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I have some personal news to share.

You see, after 32 years in magazine publishing, I have decided the time is right for me to try something new.

Today is my very last day as Editor of “The People’s Friend”, a role I have held for 15 years. That means that, sadly, this is the last time I will write to you in this Editor’s Diary.

I have loved every minute of looking after this utterly brilliant, unique and record-breaking magazine.

The “Friend” will for ever hold a very special place in my heart. I joined its staff in 1994, meaning I have worked on the title for 29 years!

I started out my “Friend” journey as the youngest and least experienced member of the team, editing the letters page, and am finishing as Editor and the longest-serving team member by a considerable length of time. That’s quite an achievement.

There have been so many good times over the years, but shining through them all has been the support, enthusiasm and friendship that our wonderful readers have shown me.

I have so enjoyed hearing from you over the years, and meeting you in person, too, at the many events we have held up and down the country.

The “Friend” would not be the success it is without its amazing, loyal readers, and I thank you all most sincerely for supporting me week in, week out over the years I have looked after the magazine for you.

But it’s true that all good things must come to an end. And while I’ve loved being the Editor of the “Friend”, it’s also a demanding and full-on role.

I’m looking forward to having a bit more time to pursue my own interests in future. I plan to spend the next few months meeting up with friends and family, reading even more books and persuading my lazy Highland pony that exercise is a good thing!

Your New Editor

I know I am leaving the “Friend” – and all of you – in very safe hands.

Your new Editor, Stuart Johnstone, has been a colleague and friend of mine for years. In fact, some of you will know him already from his time as Editor of My Weekly magazine.

Some of you may even have met him at our Warner holiday last December at Alvaston Hall in Cheshire. We had loads of laughs that week!

Stuart and I have spent a lot of time together over the past few months, making sure that he knows just as much about the “Friend” as I do.

We even visited much-loved contributor Polly Pullar together at her farm in Aberfeldy earlier this year. But I know Stuart will tell you more about that when he introduces himself to you all next week.

All that remains for me to say is goodbye, and thank you again. The “Friend” has always belonged to its readers, and I was only ever taking care of it for you – but what a privilege and honour it has been.

Love and best wishes, Angela.


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