Editor’s Diary: Friends Old And New

Editors Diary

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I thought I’d tell you a little about the “Friend” office.

We always start Monday mornings with a quick meeting to review the issue we’ve just completed. Here, we chat about what’s worked well, what could be improved, and what’s coming up for the next week.

And then we have a discussion about what we’re doing online.

Which Facebook post performed best? What about on Twitter? Who wrote the top-ranked website article? (This one gets highly competitive!) And what does Iain need us to write about next?

It’s a good way to begin a new week with enthusiasm and purpose.

But this week, we had an even better start: we welcomed a new colleague to the team, Manon, who takes over as Illustrations Editor from Sarah.

It’s always fun to get to know a new person, and it wasn’t long before we’d established the crucial details.

Yes, she’s an animal lover and has a dog.

And she likes cheese, and has already attended her first session of the office cheese club.

She’s going to fit in just fine!

An evening in Edinburgh

Then, on Thursday, I travelled through to Edinburgh to be reunited with two dear friends of the “Friend”.

I was taking part in an event celebrating our 150th anniversary at the wonderful National Library Of Scotland.

My fellow panellists were Charlotte Lauder and Juliet Shields, two tremendously clever women undertaking research into women’s magazines, with a special focus on the “Friend”.

And our topic was the importance of women in journalism. I could have talked for hours!

We had an audience of more than 80 people, which was marvellous, and they seemed to enjoy the occasion.

They also very much appreciated the replica copies of our first issue that I’d taken along.

And then it was Friday once more, and the excitement of welcoming a new colleague was overshadowed by the sadness of saying goodbye to Sarah.

She has been such a pleasure to work with, and we wish her well in her new adventure.

And, of course, we had to send her off in style!

That meant, naturally, another excuse to head to our favourite Italian restaurant for lunch.

You can just see my elbow in the picture of us all above!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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