Editor’s Diary: It’s A Cat’s Life!

editors diary

Warning! This week’s Editor’s Diary contains images of extreme cuteness!

Since March, like the rest of the “Friend” team, I have been working from home.

It has its pros and cons. No tiring drive to work is good — but I do miss the company, and the healthy separation between home and office.

Projects requiring collaboration are tricky, and my screen time is through the roof.

It’s hardly the ideal way to produce a magazine.

My cats, however, would beg to disagree! If they could speak, they would say this has been the best year of their lives.

I might chafe at spending seven hours a day sitting in front of a laptop. Matilda sees only seven hours of a comfy lap to sleep on! She especially likes it on colder days when I wear a snuggly jumper.

She also adores the chance to take part in video calls and be told by an admiring audience how beautiful she is.

Zorro, meanwhile, has learned that miaowing when I’m trying to concentrate is a sure-fire way to get some Dreamies.

He especially likes to do this when I’m trying to approve the issue for printing. And, in case I’m slow on the uptake, he helpfully sits next to the treats cupboard to make sure I take the hint.

editors diary

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

Because I’m in all day, the central heating is on more often. Another plus for Matilda! She loves to lie on top of the radiator and toast her tummy.

editors diary

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

I used to pick up shopping in Dundee on my lunch hour.

Now, being stuck in a tiny rural town all week, most purchases are made online and goods delivered to the house. This is cat heaven as far as Zorro is concerned — a plentiful supply of cardboard boxes!

editors diary

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

They have even learned to appear, regular as clockwork, for teabreaks and lunch.

I’m dreading their next weigh-in at the vet’s.

The office cat Marmalade isn’t half as demanding — or distracting — as these two!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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