Editor’s Diary: One For Cat Lovers!

editors diary

This week’s Editor’s Diary starts with a recommendation: I think our readers would really enjoying reading about the “Friend” team’s daily walks.

I know I am! It’s fascinating to see what beautiful parts of the country we all live in.

Recently, on a lovely spring day, I decided to take a slightly different route. Normally, I walk by the silvery River Tay. And I never tire of those spectacular views. But I’m keen to explore as much of my local area as possible while travel is still restricted.

About a mile and a half from my home is a cat sanctuary. It’s tucked away in the Fife hills on a very quiet single-track road. I don’t pass it very often, but when I do, it’s always fun.

There are cats everywhere! Sunning themselves on the porch roof . . . staring intently into the fish pond . . . or just lounging in the garden.

It made me happy

For a cat lover like me, it’s paradise.

This time, however, I noticed a new road sign.

My picture isn’t the best; it was a very bright day! But as you can see, it asks motorists to slow down for deaf cats crossing the road.

First it made me laugh ⁠— it’s certainly unusual and very specific! And then I realised it made me happy to think there was a safe place where deaf cats could live out their days. And with someone clearly diligent about road safety!

Right now, it’s the little things that brighten our days.

So, in that spirit, I will sign off this week’s Diary with another photo that’s made me smile this week.

Here’s temporary Assistant Editor Zorro, supervising the writing of this post!

editors diary

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

For more from the rest of the “Friend” team, read our blog here.


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