Editor’s Diary: Put The Date In Your Calendar!


It’s fair to say that there hasn’t been a great deal for people to look forward to lately. (A browse through my last few Editor’s Diary entries might give that away!)

This week, though, felt a little different.

For a start, signs of spring are suddenly everywhere. As soon as the snow melted, snowdrops, crocuses and aconites burst into flower. The birds are singing, the days are lengthening. It certainly lifts the spirits.

And I’ve been looking ahead, too, to Monday March 8, which is International Women’s Day.

To mark the occasion, the “Friend” is taking part in Dundee Women’s Festival. And we have an exciting event planned!

That day, from 3pm until 4 pm, I’ll be hosting a live event about Jessie M. King, Dundee’s first professional female journalist. She was a remarkable woman who wrote for the “Friend” for many years under the name Janette.

Joining me will be friend of the “Friend” Charlotte Lauder, whose research into the magazine’s history revealed Janette’s true identity.

We’ll be talking about Jessie’s life and career, and what it meant for a woman to be a professional journalist in the early years of the 20th century.

It promises to be a fascinating afternoon. And the great news is that you can be there!

The event will be online and is open to all. It’s also free to attend. All you have to do is register your interest in advance.

I hope to see you there!

Click here to register your free place for our free online event, “Jessie M. King — Dundee’s First Female Professional Journalist“.

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