Editor’s Diary: Some (Very) Early Starts

editors diary

Regular readers of my Editor’s Diary will know I’ve always been one of nature’s larks.

I like getting up early and have never been one for long lies in bed.

Which is just as well, given what’s been going on lately!

For several weeks now, I have been nursing a sick horse.

That means rising well before the crack of dawn and driving bleary-eyed to the stables.

Then it’s a whirl of feeding, administering medication, mucking out and checking wound dressings before heading home.

Where it’s another whirl of have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and start work!

My pony Texa is usually a hardy soul who doesn’t require too much pampering. But she has been feeling very sorry for herself since stepping on a piece of metal and suffering a punctured hoof, which became infected.

I have become expert at applying a poultice and then bandaging a hoof.

No easy task, as it has to survive a massive amount of wear and tear. Copious quantities of duct tape and stretchy bandage are involved, as well as a supermarket bag for life.

As you can see in the photo, quite by chance I managed to arrange a Morrison’s carrier in such a way as to show a perfect Saltire! Particularly appropriate for a Highland pony . . .

I am very pleased to say that Texa is now well on the road to recovery.

Those early starts stood me in good stead at the weekend, though.

I didn’t bat an eyelid when BBC Radio Devon asked if they could interview me by telephone very first thing on Saturday morning. They wanted to talk about our brilliant Close-knit Friends campaign. And I was happy to oblige!

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