Editor’s Diary: Spending Time With Friends

time with friends

This week’s Editor’s Diary is all about spending time with friends. Not, I hasten to add, the TV show that has recently reunited its stars!

Instead, I’ve been musing on the friendships that sustain us throughout our lives. They can come in many shapes and sizes.

My gorgeous cats are, of course, my constant companions. I cannot imagine life without them and certainly count the relationship we share as friendship. They are also great friends to each other.

Last weekend, I visited my oldest and dearest friend for the first time since last September. We have known each other since the second year of high school and have shared so many of life’s ups and downs.

Being able to sit together in her garden and share a pot of tea felt like something to treasure. I’m not sure I would have valued the experience so much before the pandemic. Which is one small but significant good thing to come out of the last 18 months.

Then, the next day, my sister and niece came over for lunch. It was a simple meal of soup and toasted sandwiches, but it felt so good to welcome people into my home again.

And, of course, the friendship you share with a sibling is special and like no other.

Making new friends

New friendships also bring so much pleasure, and I’m looking forward to renewing some of those later this year.

After a long delay, we are returning to Warner with another of our fabulous “Friend” holidays! I’m hoping to see some familiar faces there, and some new ones, too.

I love these events. They give me a great opportunity to spend time with “Friend” readers and really get to know them. And I know the people who go on these breaks value the friendships they forge there.

The venue is beautiful Cricket St Thomas, and we’ll be there from December 13-17, 2021. It would be wonderful to see you there!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary. click the tag below.


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