Editor’s Diary: Time For A Break

Black Isle location on map

I’m writing this Editor’s Diary ahead of time this week. That’s because it’s time for a break and I’m shortly heading off on holiday!

In fact, by the time you read this I will have just returned from a (hopefully) relaxing week on the beautiful Black Isle.

I haven’t visited this remote and scenic part of Scotland before. Though, contrary to the name, it’s not actually an island.

I’m hoping for long walks and lots of wildlife spotting opportunities. And, of course, some good weather! (Never guaranteed in Scotland, not even in June.)

Come rain or shine, I’m looking forward to a break. I haven’t had a holiday since early March. And the months since then, organising the team’s return to the office, have been hectic. It’s definitely time for a rest.

Lots to do

But before I go, there’s lots to do. Team members might take breaks throughout the year, but the “Friend” never does. And to ensure the issues continue to be produced without a hitch, lots of forward planning is required.

So I have to make sure that the parts of the magazine I’m responsible for are taken care of ahead of time. That includes this Diary! And also the flat plan, which is the blueprint we work to for each issue. Plus my Dear Readers columns, and wording for the front covers that will be needed while I’m away.

Then I need to go through my diary, rearranging any regular meetings due to take place in my absence. And I also delegate responsibility for attending meetings that can’t be postponed to other team members. We all cover for each other when required!

And that’s before I do any of the non-work planning such as packing and getting the cats off to their own holiday at the cattery! I think I’m going to need another break to recover from it all . . .

Read more from “The People’s Friend” editor, Angela.



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