Editor’s Diary: Time With Family

editors diaryShutterstock / Derek Hatfield©

Regular readers of my Editor’s Diary will know that I have just returned to my desk after a few days’ holiday.

Yes, I know it’s only a few weeks since I was sharing highlights of my recent trip to Skye in my Editor’s Diary! But this holiday was special.

Not because I went anywhere — I didn’t. But because of who I spent time with.

You see, my brother has lived in the Middle East for years. He normally comes back to Scotland for a visit every summer.

But the pandemic put paid to all that, and we hadn’t seen him for two and a half years.

Then, last week, he finally managed to make it home for a visit. Though the arrival of Omicron had us worried for a while . . .

Even better, he had timed his trip to coincide with a milestone birthday for my sister. And we hadn’t told her his plans!

Her reaction when she arrived at my house for her birthday lunch and he walked into the room was one of the highlights of my year. What an amazing birthday surprise.

We had a wonderful day, rounded off when we surprised Mum with a visit, too. She has been entertaining everyone in her care home with the story ever since.

There was only one slight downside to my fabulous week of family reunions. It’s the first time in many years my brother has experienced a Scottish winter.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody look so cold!

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