The weather. It’s one of the most popular topics for discussion on our Facebook page. And here in my Editor’s Diary, too!
Probably because it has so much of an impact on our day-to-day lives!
Since the turn of the year, winter has been making itself felt in North-east Fife.
We had quite a bit of snow, which was lovely for a while. But it wasn’t so lovely when it all turned to thick ice! Walking isn’t easy on slippery surfaces, and my daily outings for exercise have been curtailed.
Which is a pity, because as you can see from my pictures, the cold weather frequently brings blue-sky days.
However, I continue to wrap up warmly and brave the elements — and ice — each lunchtime to stretch my legs and get some fresh air.

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
In some ways it’s nice to have a “proper” winter, with really cold weather instead of the milder, wetter seasons we have had in recent years.
And all that snow should be providing our photographers with great images for next winter’s magazines!
I’ve been keeping the bird feeders in my garden well stocked through this cold snap. I can see them from where I have my computer set up at the kitchen table, and they really lift my spirits on cold afternoons.
For the last week or so, a gang of long-tailed tits has been paying a visit every day at four o’clock on the dot. I love these pretty, excitable little birds, which are nicknamed “flying teaspoons”!
Where have they been each day? And where are they going? How do they know when to arrive? I wish I knew. They only stay in my garden for ten minutes or so before dashing off in a flurry.
Another bird I see almost every day, now the vegetation has died back, is this majestic heron.

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
Getting out into nature has never been as important as it is right now.
But it’s wonderful to come home to a warm house and a bowl of home-made soup!
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