The Fair City Through The Decades

Perth Feature Header Image

This week’s cover illustration features the lovely city of Perth, which has always a popular location when it’s been featured in the magazine in the past. Our archive features lots of photos of Scotland’s newest city from throughout the decades, and we thought that some of them were too good not to share.

Dubbed The Fair City ever since Sir Walter Scott’s book The Fair Maid of Perth was first published in 1828, many people assume that the nickname is simply a result of the fantastic location the small city enjoys on the banks of the River Tay, and the vast, green, open spaces around the city centre.

H313 Perth 1966-1969 1968-03-00 00_07 (C)DCT Perth View over North Inch

This wonderful image from 1968 shows the Perth Bridge and the North Inch. The streets surrounding the North Inch may look a bit different these days but the view is remarkably similar. The park is still a busy meeting place in the summer months and hosts many sporting events and exhibitions.

H313 Perth 1950-1959 1956-01-07 00_01 (C)DCT Perth High Street

This busy high street scene from 1956 will be very interesting to anyone who has visited the city recently. Now a pedestrianised zone, the city centre used to be awash with cars and vans and was a hive of activity, with people visiting the many independent stores that Perth has become known for over the years.

H313 Perth 1966-1969 1961-09-09 00_13 (C)DCT Looking onto Queens Bridge

This photograph shows Tay Street and the Queen’s Bridge, and although there have been changes since this image was captured in 1961, visitors are still afforded an eerily similar view of the banks of the River. This spot is always popular with visitors and the bridge itself is lined with impressive flower displays during the summer months.

H313 Perth 1963-1965 1965-06-21 00_10 (C)DCT A visitors first view of Perth Entering the city

This last image is one of our favourites, as it’s such a brilliant view over the whole city of Perth. The industrial estate looks quite different now, and these days it’s almost impossible to see the golf course on Moncreiffe Island as it is now dominated by giant trees! When this picture was taken in 1965 this spot afforded a brilliant view all the way down the River Tay, past the two bridges and all the way to the mountains in the distance.

We have a huge gallery of images of popular Scottish locations and landmarks available to browse online at

All of our images can be purchased as a high quality print or canvas.


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