Features Ed Blog: Time For Panto!

time for pantoDavid Wood©

In this week’s bumper issue, it’s time for panto!

It was a real last-minute feature for us – relatively speaking, as we work about six weeks ahead.

But when I got the email that offered us a chance to chat Su Pollard, I had to jump at the chance! Su is performing as the Wicked Queen in Snow White at the Sunderland Empire this winter.

The email said that Su was available the following Tues for some media time. I always imagine it must be quite a hard day for actors when this happens, sat in a room and just answering the same questions all day!

We had one famous incident in the office with a celeb (that I won’t name), who one of our team got an interview slot with.

Unfortunately, though, we were last in the queue and had the chat at the very end of the day. Needless to say, the celeb in question was pretty pooped and quite succinct with his answers by the time we got to him!

I immediately replied that we’d love to speak to Su. We made space for it in this issue.

I was off on hols, but thankfully one of our trusty freelancers stepped in and did an amazing job.

The Wicked Queen

Su had loads of energy, as she always does, which not only did made for a good interview, but is part of what makes her perfect for panto!

Su’s been a panto mainstay since her “Hi-de-hi!” days. She used to play the role of “principal boy” for years. However, recently she’s more commonly cast as the Wicked Queen – a role she’s taken on 12 times now!

I’ve seen a few pantos in recent years. For some reason, I always think I’m too old for them. But I always end up having a great time!

Like any good family entertainment, there’s something in there for everyone.

Well, thank goodness we managed to pull off the interview. It’s part of a particularly good festive bumper issue, which we hope will keep you going and in good spirits.

And if you have any panto memories or have even been in one yourself, get in touch with us! We always love to hear from you for our letters page…

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