Last weekend was special because we were able to visit friends so that our children — Isla and Danny — could have a play date.
When I found out I was pregnant, my mind drifted ahead to an imagined future. While on maternity leave, I’d go to Bookbug sessions with “Peanut” (as we referred to my bump) and we’d go on various play dates together. Or so I thought!
Features Ed Alex and Wendy (on the Design team) were having a baby at the same time, and we thought it would be great to introduce our offspring to each other.
Then the pandemic happened! The world quite literally stopped. Everything closed. No parent and baby classes. Access denied to libraries. Even home visits with friends were off limits.
Wendy and I managed to meet up on two occasions with Isla and Danny before the restrictions were tightened up. At that point, I don’t think Danny could even sit up yet.
After that, Isla and Danny did so much growing up when they weren’t able to socialise with other babies and I couldn’t wait for life to get back to some kind of normality.
I was concerned about how the pandemic might be affecting Isla’s development. I need not have worried.
A baby handshake

Photograph by Lisa Crow.
Last week, we finally managed a visit to Alex and Wendy’s for that long-awaited play date.
It was very cute and I was impressed with Isla and Danny. Although they didn’t recognise one another, they played very well together.
Danny even came over at one point to lay his hand gently on top of Isla’s, like a baby handshake.
Over the noises of musical shape sorters and other toys, the pair of them were mostly curious about each other.
Isla at one point even gave Danny an “eskimo kiss”. It’s safe to say that the afternoon was a success.
Sometimes we underestimate how resilient kids are. In spite of an unusual start to life, Isla and Danny haven’t suffered.
Now it’s our turn to host another play date.
Who knows, maybe this will be the start of a lifelong friendship.