Merry Christmas, everyone! It’s our last day before the festive break, and there’s that air of restless excitement….Secret Santa’s coming at 11 to distribute the pile of presents under the tree. And after that we’re going out for our office lunch, and it’s the first year I can remember when we’ve all been here, all 17 of us, and are all going. Oh, except one of us is off sick. But no one’s on leave, no one’s doing last-minute shopping… And we’ve already phoned in our meal order so we’re good to go!
We’ll be having drinks first, though, so I’ve asked the team what their cocktail of choice might be….
Tracey: “French Martini. I’ve been practising making a mean one myself and it’s well worth the effort – with work-out included in shaking that cocktail shaker.”
Sarah: “I don’t really drink cocktails but give me a choice and I’ll pick whichever one looks best – and has most alcohol in it!”
Alan: “I don’t drink cocktails – just give me a nice glass of white wine or a pint.”
Alison: “A Tequila Sunrise for me because it reminds me of my younger days and it’s so pretty – but I’d as soon have a nice glass of cava.”
Me: “I had a lovely White Russian in a hotel bar lately and it went down a treat. But a simple Baileys on ice works for me.”
Have a lovely break, all, and we’ll see you again next week. We’ll be back on Wednesday, suitably stuffed and spoiled.
Alan, Shirley, Tracey, Sarah and Alison.