My Year In Adventures: Part One

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My biggest wish for 2022 is to travel and go on more adventures.

Before the virus, I had planned to visit different countries and experience more of the world.

Those plans have been put on hold – though international travel has been possible, we didn’t think the risk was worth it. Better to wait it out.

So to scratch the travel itch, we stayed (mostly) local. Looking back, I was surprised to see how many mini adventures we actually went on!

At the end of 2021, I have a much bigger appreciation of the landscape in the UK than ever before.

Pine Cone Point, Dunkeld – March

Pine Cone Point

Photograph by Abbie Phillips.

In March, we took a trip to Dunkeld (one of many trips there!) to do the Pine Cone Point walk.

It starts off with a walk along the River Braan at the Hermitage.

A little way along is Ossian’s Hall. It’s past the turn for the route up to Pine Cone Point but a short enough stretch to double back on.

The Hall was closed when we visited due to restrictions, but still well worth a look! The waterfall is magnificent.

After that, it’s a meandering uphill walk through a pine forest to the viewpoint. It’s not too difficult as the path is well maintained.

The view from the top is stunning.

Dundee – April


Photograph by Abbie Phillips.

It’s funny to say it, having worked there since 2017, but going back to Dundee did feel like an adventure.

Due to travel restrictions, we were cut off from Dundee for much of 2020.

We’d been locked down for most of the winter and so returning to the city and seeing friends outdoors felt like a big moment – a signal of spring and better times ahead.

So much had changed. We were surprised, and delighted, to find lots of new cafes and restaurants had popped up even through such a difficult time for businesses.

Some things never change though – I’d forgotten how beautiful the view could be on my morning walk into work!

May, June and September


I’ve already written about the next three trips we went on – the stunning Bluebell Woods in May, a trip to Chester Zoo that brought out our inner kid, and a gentle walk to see the ancient Birnam Oak in September.

There are two more adventures from 2021 to cover, but I’m coming to the end of this post now. I’ll have to cover them another time!

For more places to visit, take a look at our travel pages.


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