Last Tuesday I was out giving a talk on the “Friend”. I’d been invited back after four years by St David’s High Kirk Guild, whose church lies just a short way uphill from my house, so no danger of getting lost!
I can mark the date of my last talk at St David’s as, on my previous visit, I was happy to share the news that I had a new baby granddaughter. That same little girl will be four next month!
It was lovely to be back with the guild ladies, and there were new faces there to whom my talk was new. I hope they enjoyed hearing about our long and fascinating history, and about the Love Darg, too. As always the jelly pan drew a lot of comment!
This was a super, lively group, who had questions to ask as well as stories to tell. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. I always leave such talks with renewed admiration for these small groups, who turn up each week to meet in friendship and the desire to do good and help others.
The ladies seemed to have lots of exciting talks and outings planned: I wish them a happy and productive year.