“The People’s Friend” Presents . . . Bandstand Kisses

"The People's Friend" Presents . . .

This week, we’re bringing our lovely listeners a thoughtful story from friend of the “Friend”, Susan Sarapuk.

Listen to this warm story of old haunts and young love, as “The People’s Friend” Presents . . . Bandstand Kisses.

All the girls were crazy about the new guy at school. So was Ellen, but she would never admit it.

Click on the image below to hear the story.

“The People’s Friend” Presents . . . is a new way to enjoy the type of stories our readers love. Each week we’ll bring you free to listen to audio readings of some favourite stories from the weekly magazine and The People’s Friend Specials.

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We’ll bring you a new audio story each Wednesday – though you can listen to the stories any time you want.

And as the weeks go on there will be more stories to choose from, either through the “Friend” website or on our SoundCloud page.

If you’re looking for some fascinating audio content, check out DC Thomson’s “Pass It On” podcast. It will see three people of different ages discussing the household tips submitted to our friends at “The Sunday Post” in the 1950s.

Funny, warm and fascinating, it’s fast becoming a firm favourite on the team!

You can read a few of the top tips sure to be discussed in “Pass It On” here.


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