We’ve witnessed a lot of changes in the “Friend” office these past few weeks. The big move to our Meadowside offices is drawing ever closer and, as a result, we’ve had to be stringent in relation to clearing out clutter from our desks. We’ve also seen a changeover of the guard regarding our Illustrations Editor, saying goodbye to Jim and welcoming Sarah into the ranks.
Change for change’s sake isn’t always a good idea, but it can work wonders if it’s done for the right reasons. That’s why it’s important for a magazine such as the “Friend” not to stand still in relation to its content, but to continue to reflect our readers’ evolving interests.
Values That Matter
Approaching our 150th birthday, however, it’s safe to say our readers’ values have stayed true over the years. This is also highlighted in our Fiction Writers’ Guidelines, which mentions our readers as being proud traditionalists. I like that term. The word “pride” often gets tagged with negativity when it’s of a self-absorbed nature, but it takes on an entirely different meaning when the trait is directed towards another’s successes.
That is the case with our readers, who pride themselves on the values handed down from previous generations of their families. From mothers to daughters, and fathers to sons, traditional family values can serve as a pillar in times of fragility.
Our magazine guidelines go on to mention that our readers regard the magazine as a true friend. What a wonderful compliment – and responsibility. In life, friends do change: lifestyles can be altered for all manner of different reasons. But the fact remains – if you are changing to get the best out of yourself so that others will benefit, then, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a bright future for all concerned.