I was out for tea with friends recently to a bar restaurant I’d not tried before. But the funny thing is, I had been there before. Sounds like one of those riddles, doesn’t it?
It’s been a bar as long as I can remember, but, in the way that bars do, it’s changed its identity umpteen times over the years. And I used to meet one of those same friends there way back then.
That’s actually how I directed her to it: Do you remember the Whats-it? There – that’s where we’re going only now it’s called The Other Thing. (Obviously, they’re not the real names; I just don’t want to be doing their advertising for them!)
This friend is one I’ve reconnected with again only recently.
We’d lost touch, as happens so easily. And then – do you remember the whole office moved back into the city centre last spring, to our fab newly refurbished premises? Obviously, it means being around the town centre much more, supporting the local economy – ie shopping.
I was striding along the pavement not looking in shop windows, and heard this voice call my name. And there she was, my old friend, who also works in town. We exclaimed and chattered, and nipped into the nearest café for a speedy coffee, and it was great. And now we meet for tea regularly, with my sis who also knew her, and it’s like old times.
Window to the past
Last time we had a window table, which was extra nice because it was a lovely sunny evening. And on the shelf next to our table were all the candle-holders for later as the light faded. So I took a picture because they suggested something to me.
Is there something gothic about them? Or ecclesiastical? Do they speak to you of the past? What about the antlers shaped one?
I think I’ll just leave it there for once rather than put too many thoughts in your head.