“The Beast From The East” Visits Rural Fife

The Beast from the East in Fife

Our Editor-in-Chief, Angela, has an unplanned “Snow day” courtesy of the “Beast From the East”

Today, I’m having a snow day, which is a real novelty – working from home instead of the office. I’ve swapped my view of Dundee High School in the city centre for my back garden in rural Fife, which is currently buried under several inches of snow.

And instead of the hum of office routine and the chat of my colleagues, I have only the radio to provide a soundtrack to my day.

Helping a Neighbour

I recently read a news story which said scientists had found that working from home is more productive than being in an office environment. But I’m not so sure.

We have a lot of fun in the “Friend” office, and a surprising number of story and feature ideas come out of our conversations about what’s in our packed lunches and the shows we watched on TV the night before.

Staying Connected

So while the wonders of technology might mean I’m connected to the office and all the systems we use to produce your magazine, I’m not so connected to the people – and they’re the ones who make the magic happen. Which, when you think about it, is a bit like life, really.

There’s no substitute for face-to-face human contact, so if you, too, are stuck at home by snow today, why not take the opportunity to call in on a neighbour who might be on their own, too?

You could always take them a copy of the “Friend” to read, too!


Using “Free From” ingredients, this Tagliatelle is easy to make and delicious too!


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Lemon And Mascarpone Drambuie Tarts

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