The “Friend” Does Fun At Work Day

fun at work day

Friday, January 31 was officially “Fun At Work Day”.

We couldn’t miss the chance to talk about it, so we decided to use our usual Facebook Live to discuss some of the fun things we get to do here in the office.

And, of course, if gave us an excuse to break out the above photograph, showing a recently triumphant “Friend” quiz team! (L-R: Features Ed Alex, Cookery Ed Marion, Digital Ed Iain, Designer Moira, and former Illustrations Ed Sarah, with host Steve).

As winners, we were allowed to keep the medals (mine is currently in pride of place in the living room at home!) and given the chance to choose the charity to which the “winnings” would be donated. As you can see, we chose the Samaritans.

Take a look at our Facebook Live discussion below.

You’ll see that “Fun At Work Day” is basically every day at the “Friend” office . . .

Which is just one of the bonuses of working for the world’s longest-running women’s weekly magazine!

Of course, as Alex says in this video, you don’t need a large-scale activity organised for a big group of people. Taking a break from the screen just to make a cup of tea with a colleague is sometimes enough to break up the day a little. 

It even boosts both morale and productivity. That’s what Editor Angela tells us anyway!

For more from the team, read our blog here.


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